Our main aim at Glenorchy Farm is to produce quality meats from animals that have lived their best lives here at the farm. We are constantly striving to work with the land through regenerative agriculture which uses natural systems to improve the quality of land and the biodiversity within the Glen. By reducing the sizes of our fields and by rotating the livestock within them, we are improving the quality of the land.
Our farm is a typical west highland farm - the land is wild. We carefully choose breeds of livestock that will thrive here in our proper highland climate. We use our livestock and our horses to graze all sward including rushes and hard grasses, not just take the good grass. All our animals help by eating the sward differently, the pigs pull up the rushes for extra bedding, the horses use the rushes for roughage, the cows and the sheep both graze the grasses to different levels. This is work in progress and not a quick fix but long term better for the environment and the soil.
The iconic Highland Cow! What’s not to love about these beautiful boys. They can live in the hardest conditions and browse on rough, otherwise unproductive uplands therefore fit in perfect with our ground conditions. They are also extremely hardy and can live outside all year round. They produce tight grained delicious meat.
Our hens play an important role on the farm. Not only to the produce quality eggs for us and our guests they also work hard to help us improve our land. You will notice the small hen houses in some of the fields, the hens roam free around the fields scraping up the other livestock dung to spread it around the field eating any bugs they find. This helps to reduce the worm egg count in the fields which reduces the need for us to treat the livestock with wormers. All our animals are tested for worm counts prior to worming to stop us from creating a resistance to the treatment. They also work alongside our comical guinea fowl to reduce the tick population around the farm. We love keeping a wide variety of colourful hens who produce different coloured eggs. Our cockerel is special as he is a Scots Grey and beautiful - and he knows it!